Well a bit of scrapping has been happening out here. Some I can share, some I can't just yet.
Here is some of what I can.
Scrap Therapy project
My cards from Therapy's step post weekend. You can find the instructions
I also scrapped the photos that Jenny sent me too but will share the layout I have done for her in a few weeks.
Scrapping the music project
I so love the song that is this weeks inspiration. All summer long by Kid Rock and here is my page for it.

I had fun mixing some of my newer Basic Grey goodies with some old ones. The backing paper for this layout is from the Two scoops paper range and so goes with the paper and dies from the Of beat range. I took these pics of Asher a week or so ago and just love them.
When I had finished this layout I pulled together some of the scraps and made up this card for the challenge over at the Hero Arts blog last week.

and this one too.

I love how both of these came together and after I brought a new Fiskars lace punch Saturday while at the Fiskars day I just had to use it that night.
And for the news.

We had a visitor on Sunday, a very umwelcome one. 3 meter long Dugite. Craig noticed it at our bedroom window about 9.00ish Sunday morning. I had put Reenie outside about 5 maybe 10 minutes earlier. While Craig was on the phone for about 30 odd minutes trying to get hold of someone to come out and get the snake I was out the front on snake watch. It had gone into the corner of our front yard near the carport and I hadn't seen it come out again but it must have gotten through a hole in the fence and gotten out back as that is where the snake man found it when he arrived 20 mins later. He and Craig tried to catch it but to no avail. We have no idea where it went and haven't seen Reenie since. We are hoping that she has decided to go of on a little adventure but it is more than likey the snake got her.
Anyway that is it from me. I'm beat and am heading to bed.
Till next time, thanks for stopping by and any coments you may leave and happy scrapping.