Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Who's in your family poppet style.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Stuff to share

I have been having fun scrapping over the last few days and I finally got around to doing a 123 Challenge. I have been meaning to get to one for a while now but just hadn't found the time.

Photos are of my sweet goggle girl at swimming a few weeks ago.
We have had another weekend of happenings with the girls snapping away for a photo challenge and also being inspired by the DT's monthly look what we can do with weekend. Here is one of my photos I took of Asher's new pony and her piano too. Lee anne send us all out a similar product and we all put our own take onto it. This month we all picked a Kaiser album and papers too work with and this is what I did with mine.
And you can see more and what the other girls did in here
I also scrapped a few more things with my Sass lass goodies.
A set of gift tags and a tag for Asher to take into daycare with some changes to her diet we are starting to do
I did these with some papers from the wee bundles Lee anne sent us and has been sending out as prizes on the forum.
And this layout with scraps from the Woodland whimsy range. I think I ended up with a piece of all on it. I just kept on adding things left right and center.
I've also done two other layouts but can't share them just yet. You will have to wait till Friday and Sunday for them.lol
Why Friday and Sunday. Well we are cyber cropping this coming weekend. Challenges will go up on Friday so pop in and check out the clues for what you will need. I've scrapped my sample page, sorted out the guessing game and can't wait for all the fun to start. Roll on Friday.
And Sunday is our Super Sunday. When we will announce the new man of the month and share the new monthly challenges.
This weeks song is Celebrate by Kool and the gang and seeing as I needed to make up a 21st card this is what I did along with a little autograph book for people to sign too.
Hope you can play along with us this week. I'll be back with some STM news durring the week.
Well I think that is all from me for now so till next time as always thanks for popping in, any comments, happy scrapping and see you all in Therapy
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Cybercropping fun next weekend.
We are cybercropping next weekend and the girls and I have all got our challenges all sorted and ready to go. Want to find out just what you might need? Well head on over and check out the clues.
Here is a run down on just what we have planned for the weekend.
Challenge One at 7.00pm
Challenge Two at 7.30pm
Challenge three at 8.00pm
Challenge four at 8.30pm
Friday night-Guessing game
Saturday night- Bingo at 7.00pm
MAN of the month to be announced at 8.00pm
I had fun last month scrapping up Smauge's suggestion for Man of the month (See pic on the side there) and I am after another to scrap using next months Therapy Man so suggest away in here and I'll pick my fav.
Well that's it from me for now.
Will be back tomorrow night. I'm going to move my regular update night overto Monday so I can share my latest STM pages after they have gone up on the Sunday.
Happy scrapping and hope to see you all cyber cropping next weekend.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Therapy news

Also we have the Sass lass chippies and letters arrive finally too. I've already been and put in an order for some.

And for the news. Well I think I'll let Lee anne fill you in on that.
Sort of anyway. I've copied this from a post on the forum. lol
One of the things I have discovered in my short time with Scraptherapy is that one of the disadvantages of ordered on-line is the time the mailman takes to get your parcel to the door, so we have shaken the mail bag a little and made some changes. Order over $60 and you will get a prize in the post with your order, just as a little thanks for those of you who order more than $60. In the past we have offered free postage on orders over $60, instead we are now offering express post on all orders. All postage will be capped at $6.00. Insurance will be available on all postage at an extra $1.50. Insurance covers replacement of items ordered and if not still available a refund or store credit for what is not available. We know our regulars cant get enough of the new postal arrangements, we hope you try them out soon too.
If the new goodies in shop don't tempt you I am sure the new postage system and pricing will.
The girls and I have been busy getting ready to show case some Therapy goodies this wekend in our regular monthly look what we can do with weekend. I've seen what the girls have done with this months challenge products and they are just stunning. All will be revealed tonight.
Anyway till next time happy, scrapping, happy shopping and see you all in Therapy.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
STM layouts

Sunday, September 21, 2008
My purple onion samples are done

Well there is not much else happening out here so as always thanks for popping in and any comments you may leave and till next time happy scrapping and see you all in Therapy.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
American craft yummies

We have all 75 in stock and as an introductory offer are doing them for just 55c a sheet!!!! Come on over and check them out here.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Scrapping the music tribute
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Sunday share
Here is a card that I made up last yesterday that will be on it's way tomorrow. Thinking of you Brandon, Josh and Bella.
I posted a sneek peek of my next Therapy class using up some ofthe new Sass lass papers. You can find all the info in the sign up thread.
We are blind scrapping at the moment. Yeap I am doing a not so good job of keeping up with the chat while updating my blog as my scrappy goodies are all packed away till Wednesday. If you haven't tried a Therapy blind scrap before what are you waiting for they are a heap of fun.
I posted a little blog competition today. You can find out all thedetails here in the Lets chat and scrap blog competition thread.
While you are there check out Lee annes surprise challenges she posted for the weekend, both with a two week deadline too.
Well I think that is about all from me for now. I'm of to finish my coffee, have a shower and do some blog surfing.
Till next time thanks for poping in, any comments you leave, happy scrapping andhope to see you in Therapy.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
The world is a lot less brighter today.

Thursday, September 11, 2008
And the other is now out too
Monday, September 8, 2008
Girls just wanna have fun

I'm heading of to have a shower and crash for the night.
Thanks for stopping by, any comments you may leave and as always till next time happy scrapping and see you all in Therapy.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
1 secret is out
Friday, September 5, 2008
Scrapping the music

Therapy cyber cropping and a secret too
Saturday7.00pm- Bingo
Sunday9.00pm- Super Sunday!
The challenges for the weekend are:-
Junior challenge- for our young scrappers
Challenge One- Theme Challenge
Challenge Two- Inspiration Challenge
Challenge Three- Sketcdh Challenge
Challenge Four- Card Challenge
Upload Cutoff:-
VOTING:-All members have the opportunity to vote for the cybercrop winners. Voting is done in a 3,2,1 manner by email. The voting will open on Tuesday morning, and close Thursday night- with the winners announced on Friday night.