I had a nice surprise when I came home from dinner with friends tonight. After I got out of my wet clothes that is. My friends and I decided to go and have a coffee and donut after dinner at a coffee shop about 10 mins walk away. We ended up pilling into two cars and driving over instead. When we got to the coffee shop the two drivers changed their mind about staying for coffee and headed of home. Little did we know that while we were having our coffee it started to rain. One of out friends was getting picked up outside the coffee shop and she offered to drive us to where our cars were but seeing as the car only sat five we all wouldn't fit so we opted for a walk a fast one at that back to the cars. So there we were all giggling and getting soaked walking through the middle of Fremantle. I had a ball in theend. Now that is two night in a row that one of us Dudley girls has ended up looking like a drowned rat.
My surprise was a blog award from Heidi. Thanks ever so much.

Now to pass it on....The Renee Award was created by Bella and Cesin honor of their friend Renee. In Bella's own words: "this is a brand new award and I have the pleasure and honor of spreading the seed, watching it grow. I hope it finds it's way to those who are like Renee: the acorn, a small package becoming a tall and sturdy oak, giving more acorns, becoming tall and sturdy oaks, giving acorns..."There are no "rules" for claiming this award, but I would suggest the following:Thank the person who nominated you for the Renee Award.Click on the picture above to see it larger, then download it and post it on your blog.Mention the person who nominated you and link back to their blog.Nominate others to receive the award.Comment on their blogs to let them know you nominated them.
This who I am going to pass the award onto:
Hi, Julie! Congratulations on your blog award! Funny story about getting caught in the rain! :-)
Ohhhhhhhhhhh the RAIN story sounds like sooooooooooooooo MUCH fun!!!!! Once I had to walk to the hardware store because my shower head broke...and on the way home....IT POURED RAIN!!! LOL :):):) I was soaked by the time I got home....thank goodness I was installing a new shower head, huh????? LOL LOL LOL:):):):):):):) Thanks MY DEAREST JULIE for the blog award!!! I LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE it! :):):):):):):):):):):)
Thanks sooooooo much for my award!! And I love love love my LO you sent me!!! The card is sooooo gorgeous
MWAH dear friend
Happy Birthday - JULIE xxxxx
LOL about the 2 days you dudley girls have been drown rats - did you manage to take pics this time.
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