Pop on over and check it out. You may learn something about me you didn't know.
I also picked up a copy of Scrapbook creations 63 today as I have a layout in there.

Usually it takes a little while for my layout to come back with the free mag but low and behold when I got to the post office today and handed over the little delivery notice card after buying SC at the newsagent what did I get my layout and free mag.
Sweet Missy Tanya tagged me the other day with a photo tag. What you need to do is go to where you store your photos on your computer, open the forth folder and then load the forth photo in the folder here and share the story about it.

This is a photo I snapped at Asher's 8th b'day party just before christmas. My friend Christine's daughter Sammy and her pinta loot.I had to crop out one of Asher's little friend from the background of the photo as I'm not too sure how her mum is about having her photo up here on the world wide web.
Now here are the girls I am going to ask to share there photos too.
Well that's about it for now.
As always thanks for popping in and any comments and happy scrapping.