Limited quantity of grab bags are now available. They contain around 25 stamps of different styles & sizes.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Want to grab yourself a bag of stamps.
Limited quantity of grab bags are now available. They contain around 25 stamps of different styles & sizes.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Blog awards

And here's a little about the Friends award:These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers. Deliver this award to five bloggers who must choose five more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award.
Now I have seen these awards on most of my fav blogs now so it is going to be hard to pick out five for these so I am going to do just the two.
Missy Jane and Missy Belinda. Two scrappy pals I have met online and both are on my hope to meet one day list.

The little white flower above the photo is attached to a tag where I have journaled about how it felt to have Reenie back home after four months when she ran away towards the end of last year.
Over my time spent at Therapy as a forum member and then a part of the dt I have made some good friends. Some who will always hold a special place in my heart and who I one day hope to meet up with.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Some scrapping, some news and a change too

Here is my page for this weeks Gluttony challenge. We needed to use a photo centered around food,2 techniques, orange, 4 patterend papers and 6 different embellies.and the card.
We needed to have eat cake on it and I love how this turned out.
52 weeks
Here's may page from a few weeks back.
I have added it to my now very chunky book rings. lol I think I may need to rethingk how I am going to keep these. I'll take a photo of it so far so you can see what I mean when I take a photo of last weeks page which I have not long finished scrapping.
And for some news that made my week out here. Both my Obessed and my Drive me crazy pages posted in the last post ha ve gotten some recognition. Obessed won over at the Ad this site and Drive me crazy was chosen by Karen as layout of the week over a Pages in time. I have pics of them printed out and ready to go to do a page for this week in my 52 week album.
There is a change in the air. Where you may ask. Well I can't tell just now but I'm sure you will like it. I do . All should be revealed very soon hopefully.
Well that is all from me for now. I have a busy day ahead of me tomorrow so I had better to go bed. As always thanks for popping in and any comments and till next t ime happy scrap ping/cardmaking.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
I' ve been scrapping

I used some of my new Purple stamps on these. Some swirlies from the Oranamentals set and the butterfly is on the Brcante set which is on the same page.
This weekend was the monthly Look what we can do with post and here is what I did with a Kaiser Clear album.

I am so not into Mini albums and decided to make up some door hangers instead. If you would like to be in the running for this last one check out my post in the link to the look what we did thread and share with us all photos of some other non mini album ideas for the clear album as I would love to have a few more ideas on what to do with the one page left.
Over at PIT I have set a monthly ABC Twist challenge. Missy pulls out three letters from her Upwords game and I add the twist. This month it is to use the products or techniques starting with the letters E L and F and to use three photos.
Here is my page.I used my embossing punch on the red strip, lace and felt.
52 Weeks
Here is my week 19 page.My week 20 photo of Missy home sick is on my kitchen bench to be scrapped after dinner along with this one for week 21.
Yes I came home from my b'day lunch to find half of our back fence blown over in the storms we had.
Well that is about it from me for now.
Till next time thanks for popping in, any comments and happpy scrapping/card making.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Blog award and another funny story.

Now to pass it on....The Renee Award was created by Bella and Cesin honor of their friend Renee. In Bella's own words: "this is a brand new award and I have the pleasure and honor of spreading the seed, watching it grow. I hope it finds it's way to those who are like Renee: the acorn, a small package becoming a tall and sturdy oak, giving more acorns, becoming tall and sturdy oaks, giving acorns..."There are no "rules" for claiming this award, but I would suggest the following:Thank the person who nominated you for the Renee Award.Click on the picture above to see it larger, then download it and post it on your blog.Mention the person who nominated you and link back to their blog.Nominate others to receive the award.Comment on their blogs to let them know you nominated them.
This who I am going to pass the award onto:
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Purple Share and a mean mummy moment

I have used the Skinny dip alpha and the Doodled frame set stamps (Not a good photo of it but is on the brown to the left of the photo as a background) as well as the postage mark from the Vintage postmark date set to journal on.
I'll also pop this one into a quote challenge that Kelly set over at Pages in time. When I seen the mudlicious and puddle wonerderful quote in her list I knew that I would be playing along.
It was Craig's dad's birthday yesterday so I played around with making a male card. lol I did have a ribbon threaded through the button but took it out. I used the Demask stamp to make the pattern paper.
It is also our Nieces b'day next week so I did her a card as well.
I used the butterfly from the Brocante set along with girl from the Doodled word set.
Don't forget to check out my Purple Onion rak details. It is open till the 31st May.
Now for my mean mummy moment
After day care today Asher was able to get on the computer and play on the My little pet shop site knowing full well that at 5.00 she would have to get of and into the shower/bath. Well at 5.00 she was asked to get off, she complained a bit and then stormed off into her bedroom where she laid on her bed, sulking and refusing to have a shower/bath. I gave her 5 minutes to make up her mind what she wanted and when she was still complaining at the top of her lungs mind you I gave her something to complain about...................Took her into the bathroom, opened the shower door put her in the shower fully clothed, including joggers and turned on the cold tap full bore. She then started to yell and scream louder but was I listening not until she stopped screaming. She stood in the shower looking like a drowned rat and I am sure she won't be fighting with me over having one again in a hurry.
Anyway that is it from me for now. Till next time thanls for stopping by, any comments and happy scrapping/card making.
Just a quick pop in
Monday, May 18, 2009
I was lucky

Sunday, May 17, 2009
A small share

Saturday, May 16, 2009
Another blog giveaway
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Some pages and some news too

It has been a while since I have played along with a 123 chalenge and I had some fun with this one using up some older papers in my stash. We had to include a long mixed alpha title, a journal spot and three ribbons.
I used my favorite journal stamp from Purple Onion the Scallop circle and just added some lines to journal on.
I took home some of the new Wisteria papers the other day to put togther a card set class. Here is a sneek peek of what I came up with.A date is yet to be set but I'll update the side bar when it is.
And as for my news. Jordie has asked me to be a part of the design team there. I picked up my first pack today and can't wait to have a play with it and my new Hero Arts stamps.
Well that is it from me for now as always thanks for popping in, any comments and happy scrapping.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Scrapping the music

Sunday, May 10, 2009
Just a little share

Thursday, May 7, 2009
Some more scrapping and some news too
I managed to do this week Wrath challenge for Wicked Princess yesterday after changing my mind a few times on just what to do it on I settled on how angry it made me feel when Asher and I would argue over what she would and wouldn't wear. Now I don't argue and to a certain extent I just let her wear what she wants and hope that one day she will wear the things she wont now. It is a very long list.

The card challenge this week was to make a sorry card so I used up some of the scraps from my layout to make a thinking of you card.
Make sure if you are about tomorrow that you pop into Therapy as there is some news that will be announced.
Anyway till next time Happy scrapping and thanks for any comments.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Scrapping the music and some Purple onion goodies

Sunday, May 3, 2009
Cropping fun and a photo too

52 Weeks
Here is my photo from last week. When I got the email from Lou asking if Asher wanted to be the JGDT over at ASJ I knew what I would be taking a photo of lol.She was so wrapped when shewoke up on Saturday morning and I showed the site too her.
Well I think that is about all for now. I do have a few Purple projects to share but I think I have shared enough for now don't you. lol
Till next time, tomorrow when I'll post the next Stm challenge and my Purple projects thanks for popping, any comments and happy stamping/cardmaking.