Well I have been a scrapping again. Well what else is news. Not much actually. lol
Here is a card I did a while back for Purple Onion. Pop over to the blog, there's a link over there ------> and check o ut some of the other projects that have been loaded . There are some awesome pages and cards and I am really enjoying being a part of a very talented group of stampers.

I am having so much fun working with the stamps and can't wait to show you this months projects.
Here is my latest page for my 52 week album.
On Wednesdays durring the school holidays when both Craig and I are working Asher goes to my mum's for the day. Most days it is a pack your bags the night before job and I wake her up to get into the car in her pjs and that week was no exception.

lol Is it just my girl that dosen't wear coordinating pjs.? It has been ages since she wore the whole set of any that she has. Oops tell a lie she is wearing her power puff girl pjs tonight, shorts and singlet but has her brats top in the photo here over the top and you can't see the one underneath.
Here are a few cards I have done for the latest Hero Arts challenge.
A scrapling made up of scraps from something I put together for Therapy.
and a valentine card.
I am going to pass this one onto a friend. I made up that many cards last year that I have got a box full of them. I am going to make an effort to try and pass them on rather than stash them and yes I have fixed up the spelling mistake. Thanks for pointing that out to me Judi.

Here is a page that I started at that LSS crop when I went last month. lol I didn't finish it till I went on Friday as I didn't have enough of the pearls. I took these photos of Asher on her birthday helping Mum decorate her xmas tre. All I wanted was one nice photo and I mostly got silly faces. 

I do have two other pages that I have finished durring the week but seeing as they are for Therpay stuff I can't share just now.
Today I did what I haven't let Asher do before because I needed to get some things done, both here on the ocmputer and scrap wise and I thought that it would be a good time to let her do it. Play on the wii without any time restrictions.lol Usually she has the timer on for an hour and has to get of once it has gone of. So she set herself up with her pets to play My little pet shop.
Here are her pets, some of the 22 of them,with front row seats.
My plan didn't really work all that well though, every five or ten minutes she was calling out to me all excited about getting a new pet, new toys for them or even better getting a new area for them to play in so I ended up spending a bit of time playing/watching on the wii with her too. Some of the pets are so cute.

Well anyway I think that is about if from me for now.
Till next time as always thanks for popping in and any commets that you may leave and happy scrapping.