Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Ad this
Monday, June 29, 2009
Scraping the music

flower step by step.

Sunday, June 28, 2009
Lime tart July layout sneek, some Purple projects and Just scrapping ones too
Lime tart
I've been working on my projects over the last few days and they are all done. With still some goodies in the kit left over.

I also realised I only shared one of my pages for Just Scrapping this month. Missy Lulu's gorgeous boys again. Thanks so very much for allowing me to scrap them. I'll pop them in the mail to you when I have this one back from the shop.

Don't forget to pop on over to the Shabby blog and check out the first challenge.
Well that is it from me for now so as always thanks for popping in, any comments and happy scrapping.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Lets get shabby challenge 1

and here are a few close ups shots.

I hope that you are able to play along with us. Looking forwad to seeing just what inspiration you take from the photo.
Till next time thanks for popping in, any comments and happy scrapping.
Lime tart July kit sneeks.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Ad this and some blog awards.

My Ad this and Lets get shabby partner in crime Jenneke gave me two awards the other day. Thanks Missy.

Now I am surposed to pass these onto to five scrappers but have seen these around a bit lately at most of my fav blogs so if you would like one. Grab it. lol
The countdown is into it's final days to the reveal of the first challenge. I so can't wait to share with you all what I have done for it. Mandy has popped up another small rak on the blog, which if you would like to be in the running for you will need to do something for us. LOL Click the link above and check it out. Roll on Thursday.
Till then thanks for popping in, any comments and happy scraping.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Scrapping the music

I also used up some of one of my What is old is new kit for this page. They have some scrummy kits and they don't last long in the shop when they are posted.
Till next time thanks for popping in, any comments and happy scrapping.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Some cards and photos too

Not too sure just how far I will get as there are some pretty great cards up in the Idol gallery already.
It's been a while since I shared some photos here. lol It's been a while since I took any. Here are a few I snapped today.
This morning Missy woke up in a better mood than what she went to bed in thank goodness but she woke up with a big list of things she wanted to do today. One of which included going out for a 30 min drive in possible rain to play at the pirate park and me not wanting to go anywhere today. So when she asked me very nicely this morning if she could have her Little pet shop tamagochi back we made a bargin. She could have it if we cancelled the park idea. She agreed and we both were happy.
This is one of many photos I snapped of her with it laying on her bed. Cheeky thing wouldn't look at me but I so love that little grin that is happening behind her tami and that cute dimple.
And I just had to snap this photo of Missy Reenie. I had a pile of washing on the lounge that had been calling me to fold it for a while and I was pretending not to hear it. Well Reenie heard it and decided to curl up and go to sleep on it next to Missy A's toy dog Doodles which Asher had put there as well.
Well that is it from me for now. I'm of to do some blog surfing I think I've had enough crafting for today.
As always thanks for popping in, any comments and happy scrapping/cardmaking.
Some scrapping and a story too.

I did this one up for the latest skecth but I realsied when I went to grab the link I missed the deadline. Oh well. I brought myself a sponging block yesterday and played around with it and my distress inks Love how it tunred out even if I did go a bit over board with the ink on my first try.
I used some my minds eye papers along withsome more of my Purple onion stamps.
And now for the story.
Yesterday Jane,Missy and I went up to Galeria shopping center to watch Christines daughter Sammi strut her stuff in a modeling competition. After that we grabbeda bite to eat and seeing as Missy had some money burning a hole in her purse we headed over to Kmart and she was lucky enough to be able to get a Little pet shop tamigoti toy with the money she had and she was happy. Been wanting one for ages. We get home from the shops, I open it up for her and went and had a nana nap as I had a headache only to be woken up 30 mins later to a lot of banging and dh yelling. Missy had put her toy, chain and all around the cats neck. After cathing the cat, a talking to and degangling the toy, which was confiscated she started screaming. Dh and I left her too it in her bedroom. After about 20 mins she was still going but I managed to calm her down enough to get her in the bath only to have it all flare up again when she wouldn't get out of the bath and I pulled the plug with her still in it. She ran of into her bedroom slamming hte door. 10 mins later I went in to check on her only to find her wrapped in her towel still wet laying on her bed. Fumming I went to her drawer and pulled out some pj's that she absoluetly hates and made her wear them and it started again. Durring dinner she had calmed down a little but both dh and I got the "I don't want to be a part of this family any more" talking to along with "I don't like my life and I want a new one" and "I want a remote control soI can turn back time". Once Missy get upset every thing thing can set her of again and dh made the comment that he would like the remote control thing to as he knew the lotto numbers and we could win lotto and i added we could by a new house and you can go to a new school. Well guess who didn't want a new house or school. So it started again. After all that there was no way she was going to be allowed to watch the movie she wanted to so she was banished to her bedroom to read till she fell asleep.
Boy when Missy losses it she losses it big time.
Til next time, Tomorrow with my STM page thanks for popping in, any comments and happy scrapping.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Have you
Card patterns

Not totally loving it but it is anothe to add to my stash of cards on hand.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Ad this

Another page for my friends sisters memory album.
Pop on over to the Shabby blog as we are introducing another Shabby Chick.
Till next time thanks for popping in, any comments and happy scrapping.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Lime tart gallery
Scrapping the music

Sunday, June 14, 2009
A scrapy weekend

This weekend Lesley was running a mini crop and I managed to get two scraplifting challenges done.
The first one was to scrap lift yourself and I lifted my giving layout from a few posts back. This is my page for last week in my 52 weeks album. Missy nearly has the knack of tying her laces.The other scraplift challenge was to lift a layout/card/OTP project belonging to one of the dters. Luci does some gorgeous OTP projects and I lifted this page from a mini album that she posted and used it as a base for a card.
I have popped this one into the die cut challenge on the Hero Arts blog. Not that I have many die cuts but they did have a few templates we could print out so I did that and stamped my favorite script stamp over it.
Pop on over and say hello to the girls. We have been introducing the team over the past few days in the lead up to the first challenge on the 25th. Don't forget to pop in and tell us what Shabby means to you to be in the running for a Shabby rak which we will draw on the 24th.
Well that is about all from me for now, till tomorrow that is when I can share my STM and Ad this pages. Till then thanks for popping in, any comments and happy scrapping.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Card share

I had a play around with making my own paper roses. Fiddly but I like them.
I played around with making some more flowers on this one.
Well that is all I can share for now. I have my 123 challenge page scrapped and ready to be photographed so I'll share that next time.
Thanks for popping in, any comments and happy scrapping.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Kiddie lit and another 52 week page.

We are intorducing the shabby girls in the lead up to the first challenge on the 25th so pop on over and see just who has been introduced today. lol
I've seen the pages that the others have all done for our first challenge and all I will say is wow.
That is it from me for now. As always thanks for popping in, any comments and happy scrapping.
Monday, June 8, 2009
The last of my news is out.

A page for a memory album about a friends sister who past away early this year. My friend passed on some photos along with the notices from the paper, which I was so worried about losing, so I made a pocket page, sewed a butterfly onto a paper clip and the notices are tucked away.
With the big change over to the Ning site I just realsied that I didn't post my jack page for this month.
I had a bit of trouble jacking Melissa Corbett's gorgeous page but I made it work in the end.
Till next time thanks for popping in,any comments and happy scrapping.
Our town is

I had some more fun with paint and masking tape on this and if you are in the Perth area I will be teaching it at Just scrapbooking in August sometime.
Here is a detail pic of the masking tape and paint work. Love the way that the tape gives of a distressed look.
Till tomorrow when I'll be able to reveal my last secret thanks for popping in, any coments and happy scrapping.
Sunday, June 7, 2009

Here are the rules-
1) Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award, and his or her blog link.
2) Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you’ve newly discovered. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.
Well I'm not going to pass it onto 15 blogs just a two.
Christine - One of the best finds in I've made. Picked her up at at scrappy retreat a few years back.lol
Sarah -Another fab find who needs a little cheering up just now.
Till tomorrow thanks for popping in.
Something to share.

lol I had fun scrunching the paper for this. The white clouds are actually a few sass lass ones that are printed on the other side. Thanks for the fun challenges girls.
And the card.
Which Missy A has already claimed. Seeing as I am on long service leave at the moment Mum dosn't need to pick her up from school anymore and Asher asked if she could give her a card to say how much she misses her. Even though we still see her on the weekends.lol
This weeks challenge was to play around with back ground stamps and after seeing an idea on the Pink Paislee blog I knew just what I was going to do. I had to go shopping first so I did. I came home with some new Graphic 45 papers and some masking tape.
I added the tape to the paper, swiped it with some paint, stamped on it while the paint was still slightly wet, layered up some of the ATC type panels from one of the papers and ended up with this card all ready for fathers day.
I so love the look of the paint and masking tape that I have another project lined up ready to play with.
Well that's it from me for now. Just one more thing before I go though.
for all the congrats on Lets get Shabby and Lime Tart . It really does give my heart a big lift to read all your lovely comments. Something I needed today.
Till next time thanks for popping in,any comments and happy scrapping.
PS Dont forget to pop on over to Let's get shabby and tell us what shabby means to you and you could have a yummy shabby rak from Mandy on it's way to you soon.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
First annual 2S4U ultimate card showdown.

I had some fun doing this one and can't wait till the next sketch.
You can check out all the details on The 2S4U blog.
Till next time thanks for popping in, any comments and happy scrapping.